Plant based proteins to add to salads

One of the most frequently asked questions we get here at Fresh Rx is how to get protein when shifting to a more plant based diet. We always suggest adding some of the items below to your salad:

  • 4 ounces of tofu will give your body 10 grams of protein! Be sure to watch out when buying tofu though. The majority of soy grown is genetically modified, and since organic products can not contain GMO it is best to buy soy products that are certified organic.

    The good news is organic tofu is not much more expensive!

  • One avocado provides 4 grams of protein! Avocados are a part of the clean 15 from the EWG, so you don’t have to buy organic!

  • By adding ½ a cup of chickpeas or black beans to your salad, it will provide your body with 7 grams of protein! 

  • 1/3 cup of shredded cheese will provide your body with 6 grams of protein!

    Reminder: Dairy is important to buy organic because when you buy organic dairy you are reducing your exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones. The cow feed fed to organic cows has been grown without the use of harmful pesticides, fertilizers or fungicides. The bad news is that dairy products are more expensive to buy organic. Our shopping tip is to buy in bulk when you find good sales because butter, cheese, and yogurt can be frozen!


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